Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Visiting Voortrekker Monument

Together with my photographic club, I visited the Voortrekker Monument (25°46'35.40"S, 28°10'33.06"E) in Pretoria last Saturday, 19 July 2014. The idea was not so much to take pics of the monument, although we took a few, but rather to get some landscaping pics and also some night photography of the monument and the city of Pretoria. We took some photographs from the top of the monument, but then just before dusk we drove over to Skanskop (25°46'38.24"S, 28°11'4.55"E), which is on the monument’s property. From here we took photographs of the monument and the city as the sun set and we also did some night photography. All in all it was a lot of fun.


Voortrekker Monument

Voortrekker Monument

Voortrekker Monument


Created with flickr slideshow.

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