Sunday, October 19, 2014

Austin Roberts Bird Sanctuary - 20141005

As I promised in my previous post, here are some photos from a previous time out at Austin Roberts Bird Sanctuary.


Blue Crane wading through water

This Blue Crane decided to take a stroll through the water


Doves in flight

Two doves in flight


Duck swimming

This duck was just floating about


Duck swimming

Duck swimming into the sun. The water looks green from the reflection of the trees around here.


Duck in flight

Duck coming in for a landing


Duck swimming

Duck enjoying the water

Moreleta Kloof Nature Reserve–18 October 2014

I realized, as I was preparing for this blog post, that I haven’t created any posts between my last post (of Moreleta Kloof Nature Reserve - MKNR), and this one, even though I have been taking pictures all over in between. I will have to rectify that some time!

Anyway, MKNR is one of my favourite places to visit for 4 reasons:

  1. It is free to visit the reserve;
  2. You can walk through the reserve (many come to do some jogging here);
  3. You essentially get much closer to the animals;
  4. It is only 7km (4.35mi) from where I live.

So, here are a few of the pics I shot in the 3 hours I spent here.

Cardinal Woodpecker

The pic above is of a Cardinal Woodpecker



Impalas checking me out, wondering what their next move should be.



Zebra having breakfast.


Created with flickr slideshow.