Sunday, April 19, 2015

Slow day at Moreleta Kloof Nature Reserve–2015-04-11

I visited MKNR last weekend and it was a very quiet day. It isn’t a big reserve, in fact, it is in the middle of one of Pretoria’s up market suburbs, Moreleta Park. At a brisk walking pace you could walk through the reserve in a couple of hours. Somehow, the zebras, impalas and blesbucks evaded me. I walked right around the reserve, and discovered that they had all settled on the front lawn of the Rademeyer Restaurant on the reserve. I also sat at the bird hide for at least half an hour and never saw one bird there. It was one of those days.


Anyway, here is what I did capture…

Moreleta Kloof Nature Reserve



Helmeted Guineafowl


Bridge over … peaceful waters


Bad hair day!


Serenity in the woods

More of my photographs can be seen at my Flickr account.

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